On February 27 2022, the Government of Canada announced that it would immediately close its airspace to all Russian aircrafts until further notice. I was curious about where the aircrafts on Canadian airspace are registered, and did this visualization.
All airplanes seen by the OpenSky Network with flight state information derived from ADS-B and Mode S messages. Country information is parsed from registrations pulled OpenSky Network's aircraft database, else from OpenSky Network API's origin_country field. Operator information is pulled from OpenSky Network's aircraft database.
Data from The OpenSky Network, https://opensky-network.org
Data transformation using Python with Pandas,
FIR/UIR (ICAOFIR2015) from ICAO, https://www.icao.int/
Map from Mapbox GL JS, https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gljs/
Map style from Mapbox Studio, https://studio.mapbox.com/
Emojis from OpenMojis, https://openmoji.org/
Roboto font from Google Fonts, https://fonts.google.com/
My name is Pedro and I like visualizing (aircraft) data - used to be a
Flight Attendant. Currently, I work as a Software Developer for
Transport Canada.
My other projects: https://despouy.ca
My twitter: https://twitter.com/PedroDespouy
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